PaperMemory is designed to be a fast, automated and user-friendly in-browser reference manager, with tons of features to make your life easier.
Parse papers you open automatically
Papers are stored in your Memory automatically, without a click. You can then search them, tag them, take personal notes etc.
See the main features and get PaperMemory from your browser's extension store ( Chrome / Brave / Firefox / Edge):
Match preprints to publications
By querying SemanticScholar, DBLP and CrossRef, PaperMemory can discover the proper publication of Arxiv pre-prints.
You live in your browser? So do your papers
Share papers to your favorite apps by copying:
link for Github, HackMD or NotionDiscover code repositories
Using the PapersWithCode API, PaperMemory will match code repositories with papers in your Memory.
Display the actual pubication venue of published papers, a link to the code repository, copy the BibTex entry etc.
Instantly copy .bib
-compatible bibliography entries
Export a paper's BibTex entry directly from the extension, or bulk export BibTex entries by paper tag. You can even use PaperMemory to update the ArXiv entries of a stand-alone .bib
Use the keyboard to navigate through your papers, search them, copy the data you need (like hyperlinks, BibTex entries, markdown links etc.)
Highly customizable
Change the theme to light or dark, control the default link copied to your clipboard, add links to SciRate / HuggingFace Papers / Ar5iv / ArxivSanity, trigger parsing manually, export / import papers etc.
And many more features!
Github Gist synchronization, regex-based automatic paper tagging, arbitrary website parsing to record Blog posts or dataset websites, etc.